It will be a very simple visual guide like a picture book for my own kids, myself and hopefully others. For now... to begin, (have to start somewhere) it is intended for ”beginners wanting to learn how to create animated films, make visual effects and computer generated art!! Later I'll get more complicated, and try to teach intermediate and advanced lessons.
When you try putting something with directions together, I find its much easier and faster to just follow the pictures. the better the diagram the simpler it is to follow along! I spent the last several years teaching myself with tutorials online but it took forever trying to piece together the basic information I needed as an absolute beginner. To start it, it was hard to learn from the advanced teachers! Don't get me wrong they have great stuff out there even for the beginner, It was just that I was so very new to all of it and I didn't feel confident enough to follow along- at first. A lot of the tutorial are awesome! But I ended up learning the basics from a very young kids teaching it on YouTube.(ill credit him later) I figured, Wow if a kid so young could this out figure this out so could I. Part of it was because he gave me confidence but the other part was that he didn't forget to keep it simple, As a beginner himself he couldn't help but Keep it simple. So I'm going to try to do the same here, I think and I take notes using the right side of my brain, If you where to take a look at my notes compared to most other people's you'd see that most people's notes are written word and some charts, but if you looked at mine you'd see a lot more drawings and charts! Its the way I absorb information, I think more with the right side of my brain. I am sure there must be other artists out there who do the same. After all that is the side of the brain creativeness comes from. So that's how I am going to make this guide book,
I suggest checking out all the other lessons on line. They are great! And hands on training is the best way to learn. But wait, just before you start there are only a few things to know first, and ill try to make them as painless as possible...
To other Teachers-I 'm sure some of the more advanced teaches would like to move on, and teach advance lessons having become more advanced themselves. The problem is that programs change so fast that teachers have to start the basic lessons all over again just because the program looks different. So this is also my attempt at helping them out, thanking them and giving back to the community that helped me! So if I get something wrong, please feel free to correct me or let me know if I miss anything important. Just remember its a kids guide to this stuff.
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